As climate crises arise, it falls upon childcare educators to instil the values of care and regard for nature by modelling eco-friendly and sustainable rights in their daycares and childcare centres. Embracing and implementing sustainable practices helps children learn by example how to actively respect and honor the environment and planet at large.
Why Do Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Practices Matter in Childcare?
Why should Aussie daycares and childcare centres go green? Let us count the ways.
- Setting an Example
Children learn best by example. They most usually absorb what they see being done, not what’s being said. So walking the walk and not just hearing the talk means a lot for children.
- Healthier Learning Environments
Being mindful of the materials and composition of everyday objects helps ensure children aren’t being exposed to unhealthy levels of toxic and poisonous elements. Heightened exposure may lead to lifelong diseases and ailments.
Meeting National Quality Standards
Most parents consider a daycare or centre’s NQS ratings when they decide where to send their child for early childhood education. By having the centres take an active role in implementing sustainable practices, you’re not just going green, you’re also increasing your NQS ratings. Who doesn’t want that?
- Cost Savings
When most business owner’s concern is how to save on operational costs, sustainable practices actually help in decreasing these costs. From having energy-efficient windows and light bulbs to organic, hardy toys that’s hard to break, childcare centre owners will be happy seeing their bills decrease.
Sustainable Practices in Childcare Settings
Sustainability in early childhood education goes beyond the lecture. It’s about turning environmental concepts into daily habits built into daily routines. Here are some ways, early childhood educators can incorporate it into their lesson plans:
Hands-On Activities: Encourage children to explore the natural world through hands-on activities. Gardening projects, watching a seed grow, and nature walks create wonder and make children feel more connected to nature.