Just as you cannot control your toddler’s emotions, you also can’t always prevent tantrums from happening. When it does occur, remember to keep calm and strong. Refrain from capitulating to your toddler’s demands. Instead, learn and practice these ways of handling tantrums in a healthy way.
Be calm. Assess the reason for the tantrum. The most common reasons for tantrums are either they’re hungry or tired. A quick fulfilling snack, a hug, or nap will do wonders in stopping your toddler’s tantrums.
However, if it’s for attention, it’s best to ignore your toddler. Letting your toddler go through the worst of their tantrum is okay just as long as you don’t join in the chaos.
It might just be tempting to cry your heart out and thrash on the floor when you and your toddler had both enough of all the stress and pressure. But the sight of a calm parent or caregiver will signal to the toddler that what he is doing, i.e. throwing a tantrum, is not going to help him in getting his way.
Wait for the toddler to finish his tantrums, then calmly discuss with him what caused the tantrum and explain the consequences of his unwanted behaviour.
This shows your little one how communication is the best way to let a parent or caregiver know his wants and wishes instead of resorting to throwing tantrums. But one thing a parent should never do is to concede to do or give whatever they want when they have a tantrum.