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Crestwood Child Care Centre - Montessori Inspired's September Newsletter

September 2019

September 2019


Hello everyone, welcome to our September newsletter! As usual, we take a look at what is happening here and within our little community. It’s finally spring, so this month we take a look at all things related to the new season. 

Spring doesn’t automatically mean the cold weather stops and the sun comes out. There are still plenty of rainy days ahead and indoor fun with the family. Check out our craft corner for some ideas!


Send us an email to let us know what you think of this newsletter. We would love to hear any suggestions, which articles you enjoyed, and what you would like to see more of!

Topic of the month - Spring has Sprung 

When we think of spring, we think of new beginnings, regrowth and rebirth and of course, spring cleaning. These themes may be a little cliched, but what better time to start a new project, do a Marie Kondo-style de-clutter of all that unwanted stuff, or teach the kids about gardening by planting some seeds? 


At this time of year, children notice the new leaves, buds and flowers peeping through the bare branches and stalks. Talk to them about springtime, and what is means for our flora and fauna. Just about everything we see is an opportunity for children to learn something new.


Engage with your children as you get stuck into spring arts and crafts. Have conversations about cute fluffy chickens, baby animals and butterflies, and encourage their curiosity with open-ended questions, stories about spring and even silly songs. 


You are your child’s favourite teacher. They will thrive on active listening and having you as a playmate to explore all the new colours and concepts of spring. A new season brings new opportunities to grow with your child and learn alongside them.

“Making an organic vegetable garden with kids”

Author: Anna Ranson

Struggling to get your children to eat their veggies? Why not try making your own veggie patch? A veggie patch is not only a fantastic introduction to gardening for your children (and parents, perhaps) but it may encourage them to taste test the vegetables they have just grown in their very own garden. 

This article takes a look at how to get started and simple tasks the kids can do to get involved. Happy planting! 

Read on to get your veggie garden started.

“Hay Fever: Why you get hayfever and what you can do about it”

Authors: Hanna Mills Turbet and Craig Butt 

While spring is a favourite time of the year for some, for others, it is a nightmare for one reason: pollen. 

Pollen is a fine substance produced by flowers, grass, weeds and trees to fertilise other plants. To most people, it is harmless if breathed in, and there are no adverse effects. 

To others, however, pollen can cause a range of adverse effects if breathed in. These include sneezing, itchy, watery eyes and a runny nose. 

Hayfever can be highly uncomfortable for children and adults alike, so how can we be prepared before and during the peak season? 

Read on for the full article to learn more about hay fever and pollen.

What is the latest in child care?

“Family Tax Benefit”

Author: Byron Devin

The Family Tax Benefit (FTB) is a financial supplement aimed at parents and carers of young children. It is made up of FTB - Part A and FTB - Part B. So who can make a claim? Can families claim both payments? And how? 

This article looks at the intricacies of Family Tax Benefit, including eligibility, income, how to apply and online claims. 

Refer to the original article to learn all you need to know about Family Tax Benefit, and how to apply.

“Imaginary friends a healthy part of childhood that boosts social skills”

Authors: Georgie Burgess  

Does your child have an imaginary friend? If you’re worried that their imaginary friend is negating their ability to make real friends, then fear not. 

Children have been bringing imaginary friends to life for generations. Two-thirds of children invent an imaginary friend, making it a common part of childhoods all over the world. 

Now, a new study has shown that having an imaginary friend is a healthy part of childhood, as opposed to reflecting a social difficulty or a child’s developmental or emotional struggle. 

Read the original article for more information.

Childcare development

0-12 month development

“Child’s play: the simple games that can help detect autism in young babies”

Author: Sarah Knapton 

A new study into autism spectrum disorder (ASD) suggests simple games such as peek-a-boo can help identify the disorder in babies as young as four months old. 


Researchers discovered that babies who are diagnosed with ASD as toddlers were more likely to show lower levels of brain activity when playing interactive social games, or while watching people laugh or yawn. 

Refer to the original article for more information.

1-2 year development

“So you’ve got a runner”

Author: Sarah Sullivan 

Seeing your child take those first steps is one of the greatest joys for parents. 

Soon enough though, between the ages of 1 and 2 years, walking turns to running...very fast running….away from mum or dad. So what can you do if you have a ‘runner’? 

Having a child who bolts is scary, to say the least. But keeping them in the pram is also not always an option, especially as they grow and want to explore. This article looks at practical ideas for dealing with a runner from one couple’s experiences. 

Continue reading to learn more.

2-3 year development

“We’ve got a shrieker! 9 ways to handle a toddler or preschooler who screams”

Author: Susan Taylor

Toddlers make some crazy and wonderful sounds, but those high pitched screams are a cut above the rest. 

Toddler and preschooler screaming is uncomfortable and embarrassing for parents, especially when you are out in public. If you have a toddler with a good set of lungs who loves to screech, this article looks at the emotions behind screaming and what you can do. 

It takes a look at the best preventions for screaming and provides practical tips for your tot. 

Refer to the full article to get a better understanding of screaming and screeching in toddlers.

3-4 year development

“Spotting developmental delays in your child aged 3-5 years”


It is no secret that each and every child develops at their own pace. But what if you feel they are lacking well behind their peers? 

Toddlers might fall behind physically, mentally or emotionally. They may display language, speech or motor skills problems, or a lack of social skills. This article delves into some common developmental issues among preschool children, and what support is available for parents.

This includes what signs to look for, where to go to get help, and what is considered ‘normal’ for development at ages 3 and 4 years. 

Read on for more advice about developmental delays.

4-5 year development

“10 awesome books for ”

Author: Carolyn Batt

Reading to your child for just a few minutes a day is easy enough. It is a fantastic way to help them develop their imagination, increase vocabulary and of course, to spend some quality time with them after a busy day. 

Reading is an important part of Australia’s curriculum, starting with kindergarten. You can help foster your child’s love of reading by introducing them to a variety of fun texts before they get to school. 

These ten books are a must-read for children in kindergarten and preschoolers. They include some familiar names, such as Peter Rabbit, Where’s Wally and Green Eggs and Ham, plus Australian classics Wombat Stew and Possum Magic. 

Refer to the original article for the full list.

Development of boys

“21 boy-friendly parenting tips and strategies” 

Author: Michael Grose

Boys and girls are different. It is an obvious thing to say, but raising a boy and raising a girl require different parenting strategies and there is definitely no one approach that suits all children. 

This article discusses the ways parents of boys can communicate, manage behaviour, teach and encourage and help them succeed. It looks at age-appropriate strategies for fathers in particular to bond with their sons from birth into their teens and developing strong relationships from day one. 

If you are finding it difficult to communicate with your tween or teen, this article has some great tips for parents of boys. 

See the complete article to read the 21 boy-friendly parenting tips and strategies.

Development of girls

“Raising daughters in the ‘Me Too’ age”

Author: Johanna Leggatt 

The ‘Me Too’ Movement has dominated headlines around the world over the past few months. Tackling sexism is high on the agenda, but it is important for the ‘Me Too’ message to start at home. 

A dad should be a girl’s first and biggest role model for healthy masculinity. Dads are a massive influence on their children, from their wellbeing to their talents, and from how they view themselves and what they look for in a future partner: the role of dad should be one of advocacy and support. 

This article takes a look at three dads, and how they are raising their daughters to be fearless. 

Refer to the original article for more.

Craft Corner: Spring has sprung

Easy chick crafts for preschoolers

Those cute little fluffy yellow baby chicks are hatching this time of year, making spring an ideal time to practise some chick-inspired crafts with your toddlers and preschoolers. Super cute and easy to make! 

Read on for further instructions

Make a simple bird feeder

Making a simple bird feeder is an easy activity you can do with the kids. They will love waiting for the birds to come along and peck away at their homemade creation! You only need a few ingredients too! 

Detailed instructions provided here

Easy spring trees painting with Q-Tips

This simple tree painting with Q-Tips is an ideal way for your preschoolers to learn about nature during the seasons and talk about the early signs of spring they may have noticed. 

Detailed instructions provided here 


Make a monarch butterfly

A simple butterfly piece of art that will also teach the kids about symmetry. Children will get so excited when they see their butterfly opened up on the page and can decorate with a variety of beautiful colours and patterns, just like real butterflies. 

Continue reading for exact instructions

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