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Crestwood Child Care Centre - Montessori Inspired's November Newsletter

November 2019


Hello everyone, welcome to our November newsletter! As always, we will be providing a preview of what is happening in our little community. This month we focus on kids and sports.

With only one more month until summer, the AFL and rugby gear has well and truly been packed away, and the cricket nets are out! November means lovely, warm days and cool nights, without the stifling heat summer brings. 

Send us an email to let us know what you think of this newsletter. We would love to hear any suggestions, which articles you enjoyed, and what you would like to see more of!

Topic of the month - Kids and Sport 

Sport is a major part of Australia’s culture. We have sporting events happening all year round, with Australian Rules Football and rugby taking place in the winter months, and basketball, soccer and plenty of cricket during spring and summer. 


With so much sport ingrained into Australia’s psyche, it is natural for a child to express an interest in playing their favourite spectator sport.

Children as young as 18 months can take part in specialist classes such as soccer, Aussie rules and gymnastics. These tend to focus on fun rather than competition, but are they too expensive for what you get? 

Are children’s sporting lessons too expensive for families, especially with multiple children playing multiple sports? Where do we draw the line? 

And then there is the question of what happens when children grow and that competitive edge takes over? 


Do we support this competitive spirit, or encourage participation above all else? Is children’s sport too competitive? November’s newsletters has some answers to those questions.

“How much is sport costing Aussie families and children?”

Author: Michael Tabet 

It’s no secret that sport has so many health benefits for children. It helps them to stay active, keep fit, gain self-esteem and confidence, make friends and learn about teamwork. But what is the financial cost for parents? And how do you put a price on your children’s health and wellbeing? 

Along with registration fees, there is the cost of uniform, boots or other special footwear, the cost of petrol to drive too and from locations, plus extras for special equipment, such as swimming goggles. 

With so many household budgets already stretched to the limit, how do we find the money to pay for something our children love and can benefit so much from?

This article looks at the cost of participation in sport for families. It also provides some fantastic tips for families to keep the costs down.  

Read on for the full article.

“Forget about winning, just let the kids play”

Authors: David Mark 

Does children’s sport have a ‘win-at-all-costs’ mentality? Are adults pushing children and teens too far to achieve success, in something that is meant to be fun, help them get fit and teach them about teamwork? 

This article takes a look at why so many kids start a sport, just to drop out after the year has ended. Is it too much pressure to win? Parental pressure? Or because they are just not having fun? 

It also discusses the need for great coaching in sport - to teach children a better understanding of the skills involved, not just that winning is everything. 


Read the full article and make up your own mind about kids and sport.

What is the latest in child care?


“Cyber Bullying Awareness”

Author: Byron Devin

The internet has become increasingly widespread in everyday life. While it has so many great benefits, there is also a darker side to the internet: cyberbullying. 

The term ‘cyberbullying’ refers to bullying done via electronic means. These include via social media, text message, email and instant messenger. Cyberbullying provides a perpetrator with access to anonymity, so it is difficult to deal with. 

No parent wants to hear that their child is being bullied, either in a physical capacity or through online means. So how can we keep our children safe from online bullying? This article takes a look at the types of cyberbullying, what parents can do to prevent it and how we can help children be aware of cyberbullying. 

Read to the original article for further information.

“Major national study calls for overhaul of government policies around children at risk”

Author: Freya Lucas

Are our most disadvantaged children really getting the help they need as early as possible? The answer is no, with so many children receiving ‘late intervention measures’, when they really need help early in their life and education. 


A report has found that the Australian taxpayer is spending over $15 billion every year on these late intervention measures, with support services failing to intervene early and address pressing issues. 


This article details the reasoning behind the study and the findings. It called for a smarter, targeted and evidence-based approach to early intervention, and what happens next. 

Refer to the full article for more details.

Childcare development

0-12 month development

2,500 arguments in baby’s first year leads a fifth of new parents to split

Author: Suzi Catchpole 

It is no secret that having a new baby in the house is a challenge for parents. But a study has revealed just how much of a strain a baby can be on mum and dad’s relationships. 

Parents can have up to 2,500 arguments in the first year of a baby’s life alone. This abundance of animosity causes a split in a fifth of parents, showing just how high tensions are in that first 12 months. 

Sleepless nights, lack of intimacy and increased responsibility are the top reasons for arguments, with parents failing to make time for each other in the midst of those difficult early months with a baby. 


Refer to the original article for more information.

1-2 year development

How to tell if your child has a speech or language impairment 

Author: Elise Baker and Natalie Munro 

Parents are forever told never to compare their children with others - that they will ‘catch up’ eventually and ‘not to worry’ about their development. But what if your instinct tells you something isn’t quite right? 

Language and speech development is a slow process, with some children speaking early, and some later in life. If your 2-year old isn’t speaking around 50 words and putting two-word sentences together, parents could seek further help from a speech pathologist. 

This article takes a look at some of the common benchmarks of children’s speech, and what parents can do if they are concerned that their child isn’t developing as well as they could be. 


You can read the full article here.

2-3 year development

The five most common toddler problems and how to tackle them

Author: Nina Young 

Toddlers are such interesting little characters. Kind, caring and loving one minute, and throwing a tantrum the next. 

But then there are toddler problems such as toilet training regression or downright refusal to toilet train, the question of too much screen time question, and the fiercely independent phase, in which they refuse to accept help. 

This article covers the five most common toddler problems, the reasons why toddlers behave the way they do, and what parents can do to tackle these issues. 

Read the full article here.

3-4 year development

13 books to encourage toilet training 

Author: Amanda Long 

Need some help with toilet training your toddler? This phase can be one of the most testing for parents, with many hours spent cleaning up puddles of urine right next to the potty or toilet, so there is no shame in asking for a bit of help! 

These 13 books are all about learning to use the toilet, and encouraging children to learn. They are especially great for first-time parents who have no idea where to start, and second, third and fourth-time parents who are finding their tried and tested measures just aren’t working this time around. 

This article gives a short breakdown of each book’s approach, so there is bound to be something to suit every parent. 


Read on here for the full list. 

4-5 year development

Five things your child should know before age 5

Author: Allesia Santoro 

In Australia, children start kindergarten between the ages of 3 and 5, depending on what state you live in. But what should children know before they start kindy, or preschool? 

We’re not talking about what they should know in the classroom, but more what practical, life skills should they know by this age. This article outlines some of these things, including their parents’ phone number, how to call 000 and how to stay safe while crossing the road. 

Even if your child has already started kindergarten or preschool, don’t worry too much. These are things you can teach your child at any age. Plus, many schools now reiterate these skills in the classroom, even if children already know how to call 000. There is no such thing as too much learning when it comes to such important knowledge. 


Refer to the original article for the full list.

Development of boys

The five things your son isn’t telling you

Author: Maggie Dent 

Do you ever think about your son’s behaviour and ask yourself “why is he so rough” or “why can’t he just sit still for five minutes?” 

In this article, you can read about some of the things boys don’t say, and how to help them better communicate their needs. It is so common for parents to misinterpret their son’s behaviour as naughtiness, but perhaps we just need to understand boys’ wiring a little better. 

This article gives readers some fantastic tips about how to recognise what they are telling you through their actions, rather than their words, and how parents can respond accordingly. 

The complete article lists some common things your son isn’t telling you.

Development of girls

Emotional problems and young girls - how can you help?  

Author: Sheri Jacobson

Does your daughter tend to get a little more emotional than your son? Girls tend to experience more emotional issues that their male peers, whereas boys experience higher incidents of behavioural problems, a study has found. 


The study also revealed a 55% increase in the number of girls aged 11 to 13 years over the past five years experiencing emotional problems. 


What are the reasons for this increase? This article outlines the main findings of the study, and why pre-teen and teen girls are more prone to emotional issues than boys. 


Refer to the original article for more.


Craft Corner: Special Sports Fun

Soccer Ball Cookies

These cute little soccer ball cookies are perfect for a football themed party or event gathering. The kids can get involved with the baking but the decorating part is a bit trickier. Luckily this article includes a stencil to make things easier. 


Read on for further instructions

Easy Paper Kite 

Flying a kite is a fun and easy way to get the kids running around outside. And with this home-made Easy Paper Kite, you don’t even have to buy one! It is simple to construct and doesn’t require too many resources, making this a perfect activity for children. 


Detailed instructions provided here

Tennis Racquet Craft 

Have some fun making your own tennis racquets with the kids! There are endless ways to decorate them using bright colours, and you will likely have all the resources needed in your craft cupboard at home. They are easy to make, making them a great activity for kids of all ages, especially preschoolers.

See detailed instructions here.

Pool Noodle Crafts

Pool noodles are those long, bendy and colourful foam poles that are used as water floatation devices by Australians everywhere, but there are so fun crafts you can make with them! This article takes a look at some of the best of these ideas, including to create a crochet course at home!


Continue reading for exact directions.

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