Childcare in Robina, 4226

We have found 24 childcare providers in Robina 24 providers with availability
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Parent Testimonials

"No one answers the phone! I tried to call 6 centres and now I have 3 great choices to decide on."

Hayley Page, Sylvania

"We have found a great centre recommended by that we are very happy with."

Jen Murray, Frankston

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Long daycare in Robina, 4226 - Our recommended providers

Long daycare centres are designed to accommodate working families, offering all-day childcare while parents work. Meals are provided, making life easier for a busy parent.

"Thanks for your help. I've had 3 centres contact me after struggling to find available days and I've booked inspections. So easy"

Peggy Rathbone, Gaythorne


Goodstart Early Learning Robina - Goldwater Avenue 1

Robina - Long Day Care

98 childcare places starting from $80.50 per day


When you join the Goodstart family you enjoy the benefits of being part of an Australia-wide network of not-for-profit centres that exist purely to improve the lives of children and their families. This means any surplus is fully reinvested into ensuring your child has the best preparation for school and life. Goodstart invests in the professional development of our people, giving your child access to teachers who are trained in world-leading evidence-based learning practices. As well as ensurin...vacancy care

At Goodstart Early Learning, we have a unique approach to the way we work, which is based on our Goodstart Practice Guide (the Guide) and its ISTEP framework.        The Guide brings together the latest international research evidence of what works best for children and guides what our educators do in their everyday professional practice. It was written with an understanding of Australia's unique context and is underpinned by relevant state and nationa...vacancy care


Goodstart Robina Groves

Robina - Long Day Care

75 childcare places starting from $82.00 per day


When you join the Goodstart family you enjoy the benefits of being part of an Australia-wide network of not-for-profit centres that exist purely to improve the lives of children and their families. This means any surplus is fully reinvested into ensuring your child has the best preparation for school and life. Goodstart invests in the professional development of our people, giving your child access to teachers who are trained in world-leading evidence-based learning practices. As well as ensurin...vacancy care

At Goodstart Early Learning, we have a unique approach to the way we work, which is based on our Goodstart Practice Guide (the Guide) and its ISTEP framework.        The Guide brings together the latest international research evidence of what works best for children and guides what our educators do in their everyday professional practice. It was written with an understanding of Australia's unique context and is underpinned by relevant state and nationa...vacancy care


Bluebird Early Education Robina

Robina - Long Day Care

122 childcare places starting from $110.00 per day


Our beautiful Robina Centre is located in Investigator Dr, providing easy access for families to the train, Robina Town Centre and the Hospital. Fully renovated, is our purpose built, air-conditioned, 7 room Early Education Centre.

 Bluebird Early Education Centre Robina is a state-of-the-art childcare facility fully committed to providing Australias highest level of developmental and educational childcare services. The Bluebird philosophy of igniting the spirit of learning, friendship and community through holistic early education lies at the heart of everything we do. The needs of the children are always put first as we nurture and empower them to learn valuable developmental skills that ensure successful ...vacancy care

Robina Town Child Care Centre

Robina - Long Day Care

80 childcare places starting from $81.50 per day

Welcome to the Robina Town Child Care Centre Robina Town Child Care Centre is a place where all children are nurtured and treated as individuals. Our children are involved in educational, stimulating, creative, quality and fun programs that equip them for their life journey. Our staff range in qualifications from a Bachelor of Teaching, Diplomas to Child Care Certificate holders. Our aim is to guide your child in becoming an effective learner and to assist your child in developing all skills nec...vacancy care

Whispering Gully Childcare Services Robina

Robina - Long Day Care

102 childcare places starting from $79.00 per day

Whispering Gully Child Care Centre inspired by Rudolf Steiner's Philosophy, provides an environment which gives children the opportunity to imagine, create, explore and learn through play. We focus on four key themes, rhythm, repetition, security and continuity that are very important in the daily life of a child. Rhythm and repetition help children feel safe and familiar. Children feel secure in knowing what is coming next. Communication is a strong foundation for all involved; the doors of Whi...vacancy care

Robina First Early Learning Centre

Robina - Long Day Care

100 childcare places starting from $101.50 per day

Robina First Early Learning Centre is a family owned and operated long day care centre, situated in the heart of Robina, Gold Coast, Australia. Our service has been rated 'Exceeding' overall under the National Quality Standards, by the Queensland Department of Education and Training. Known for our loving and gentle care, we provide a warm and welcoming environment to children embarking on their early learning journey. We are committed to empowering children through rich and stimulating learning ...vacancy care

Sunkids Childrens Centre - Scottsdale

Robina - Long Day Care

64 childcare places starting from $97.00 per day

Sunkids Children's Centres aim to provide early years education that places the child, their unique circumstances and innate potential, at the centre of decisions and planning.

Fuji International Kindergarten

Robina - Long Day Care

122 childcare places starting from $92.00 per day

Rainbow Town Early Learning Centre

Robina - Long Day Care

75 childcare places per day, enquire here for fees

Sunkids Childrens Centre Robina

Robina - Long Day Care

116 childcare places per day, enquire here for fees

Sunkids Children's Centre Stadium Village

Robina - Long Day Care

102 childcare places per day, enquire here for fees

Green Leaves Early Learning Robina

Robina - Long Day Care

108 childcare places per day, enquire here for fees

Displaying 8/12 Long daycare providers.

Family daycare in Robina, 4226 - Our recommended providers

Family daycare is childcare provided in educators' homes. These centres are smaller, providing more intimate and flexible care.

Maureen's Family Day Care

Robina - Family Day Care

7 childcare places starting from $12.80 per hour

Offering day care services to toddlers ages from 15 months to 3 years.

I aim to provide a loving, caring, safe and home-like environment that is welcoming, warm, inclusive of all cultures, nationalities and abilities I strive to implement an educational program I enjoy offering activities according to each child’s specific needs  and opportunities for self-initiated play both indoors and outdoors It is important to me that children are able to explore, experiment, investigate and participate in the environment around th...vacancy care

Jellybeans Family Daycare Pty Ltd

Robina - Family Day Care

Enquire here for childcare places, from $77.30 per day

Leets Family Daycare

Robina - Family Day Care

7 childcare places per day, enquire here for fees

Little Monkeys Family Day Care

Robina - Family Day Care

7 childcare places per day, enquire here for fees

Tiny Toes Family Daycare

Robina - Family Day Care

7 childcare places per day, enquire here for fees

Toddlers And Tots Family Day Care

Robina - Family Day Care

7 childcare places per day, enquire here for fees

Polly's Family Day Care

Robina - Family Day Care

7 childcare places per day, enquire here for fees

Audra's Family Day Care

Robina - Family Day Care

7 childcare places per day, enquire here for fees

Neek's Family Day Care

Robina - Family Day Care

7 childcare places per day, enquire here for fees

My Early Years Family Day Care

Robina - Family Day Care

7 childcare places per day, enquire here for fees

Deb's Family Day Care

Robina - Family Day Care

7 childcare places per day, enquire here for fees

Mandy's Family Day Care

Robina - Family Day Care

7 childcare places per day, enquire here for fees

Displaying 8/12 Family daycare providers.
No providers available


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explore Explore Robina, 4226

There are a total of 24 childcare providers in Robina.

Explore Robina Childcare by map.

explore About this suburb

There is an average of 0.2 days with vacancy at each care provider in Robina across all age groups, compared to this stage last year, when there were 0.1 days vacancy available.

typically have higher availability.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday child care vacancy is lower.

For a child under 1 year old (0-12 months), the childcare availability average is 0.2 days in Robina, which is above below the same as this stage last year which was 0.1 days.

For a child 2 years old (13-24 months), childcare vacancy is 0 days, which is above below the same as the 0.1 days recorded last year.

For a child 2-3 years old (25-36 months), childcare vacancy is 0.7 days, which is above below the same as the 0 days recorded last year.

For a child 3 years+ to preschool age (36 months+), childcare vacancy is 0.7 days, which is above below the same as the 0.3 days recorded last year.
