Childcare in Dural, 2158

We have found 11 childcare providers in Dural 11 providers with availability
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Parent Testimonials

"No one answers the phone! I tried to call 6 centres and now I have 3 great choices to decide on."

Hayley Page, Sylvania

"We have found a great centre recommended by that we are very happy with."

Jen Murray, Frankston

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Long daycare in Dural, 2158 - Our recommended providers

Long daycare centres are designed to accommodate working families, offering all-day childcare while parents work. Meals are provided, making life easier for a busy parent.

"Thanks for your help. I've had 3 centres contact me after struggling to find available days and I've booked inspections. So easy"

Peggy Rathbone, Gaythorne


Wiggles And Giggles Dural

Dural - Long Day Care, After School Care, Before School Care

110 childcare places starting from $120.00 per day


Wiggles and Giggles is a family owned and operated service providing long day care, before and after school care and vacation care services. Our journey began in 2010 when we opened our first centre and since then we have continued to provide high quality care and education into our new services. Each service is run by a fully qualified team of Educators with a proven curriculum that will help your child flourish from our babies room through to getting your children ready for school.

Wiggles and Giggles is a family owned and operated ser-vice providing long day care! We believe that children have the right to feel safe and supported and should be included in all areas of the centre. We offer a brand new state of the art facility which caters for ages from 6 weeks through to 12 years. At Wiggles and Giggles, our children are immersed in activities and learning experiences every day to enhance their wellbeing.  We extend on children's interest through planning and dai...vacancy care


Pebbles Early Learning Dural

Dural - Long Day Care

49 childcare places starting from $138.00 per day


Endeavour Early Education aims to be the benchmark for child care centres in Australia. Thats why we have invested so much time and research into the developmental needs of our children. We have created exclusive Endeavour programs to allow our children to have the best experience they can as they grow, learn, explore and play.

Pebbles Early Learning Centre will foster children’s development by motivating and inspiring children to be the best learners that they can be. We believe that children learn through play, interactions, spontaneity, risk-taking, exploration, discovery and connection with nature. We believe that self-esteem is the critical component to optimal growth in young children. Children at Pebbles Early Learning Centre are provided with developmentally appropriate care which supports self-help skill...vacancy care


Little Angels Early Learning Centre - Dural

Dural - Long Day Care, Preschool

39 childcare places starting from $115.00 per day


Free Childcare, conditions apply

Little Angels is a family owned and operated long day care centre situated in beautiful semi-rural surroundings in Dural. Their sister school in the hills has been operating for 16 years and is rated exceeding by ACECQA. Little Angels caters for children from 18 months to 6 years of age and operates for 50 weeks of the year between the hours of 7am-6pm.Nutritious meals are prepared by the centre chef daily and nappies and hat are provided.Our qualified educators nurture the children’s lear...vacancy care


Learning Blocks Child Care Centre Dural

Dural - Long Day Care

79 childcare places starting from $115.00 per day


We are a family owned Early Learning Centre. We aspire to offer the best care in the suburbs we operate and create a nurturing environment for you and your childs individual needs. Our focus is to provide individualised care for your child that will meet your families specific needs.

We are a family-owned Early Learning Centre. We aspire to “offer the best care in the suburbs we operate and create a nurturing environment for you and your child’s individual needs.” Your kids and yourself will always be our number one focus here at Learning Blocks. From the moment you step into the Learning Blocks family, we begin a journey of discovery to understand your goals for your children as well as their limitless potential. We then create an individual and unique edu...vacancy care

Fit Kidz Learning Centre Dural

Dural - Long Day Care

90 childcare places starting from $125.00 per day

As our name might suggest we put a huge amount of emphasis on providing quality nutritious food, which is well-balanced and yummy. All Centres have qualified cooks to provide all meals, consisting of a nutritionally balanced menu of breakfast, morning tea, cooked lunch with dessert, afternoon tea and a late snack. Full cream milk and light milk is served to suit the daily menu, and water is available throughout the day. Weekly menus are displayed within every room at each centre and is shared wi...vacancy care

Fit Kidz Learning Centre Dural North

Dural - Long Day Care

98 childcare places starting from $115.00 per day

As our name might suggest we put a huge amount of emphasis on providing quality nutritious food, which is well-balanced and yummy. All Centres have qualified cooks to provide all meals, consisting of a nutritionally balanced menu of breakfast, morning tea, cooked lunch with dessert, afternoon tea and a late snack. Full cream milk and light milk is served to suit the daily menu, and water is available throughout the day. Weekly menus are displayed within every room at each centre and is shared wi...vacancy care

Wakefield Children's Early Learning Centre

Dural - Long Day Care

70 childcare places per day, enquire here for fees

Lilybelle Early Education Centre

Dural - Long Day Care, Vacation Care

25 childcare places per day, enquire here for fees

Greenwood Dural

Dural - Long Day Care, After School Care, Before School Care

136 childcare places per day, enquire here for fees

Displaying 8/9 Long daycare providers.

Preschools & Kindergartens in Dural, 2158 - Our recommended providers

Preschools and kindergartens are more formal education programs for children before they are of school age. They usually run from 9 am to 3 pm.


Little Angels Early Learning Centre - Dural

Dural - Long Day Care, Preschool

39 childcare places starting from $85.00 per day


Free Childcare, conditions apply

Little Angels is a family owned and operated long day care centre situated in beautiful semi-rural surroundings in Dural. Their sister school in the hills has been operating for 16 years and is rated exceeding by ACECQA. Little Angels caters for children from 18 months to 6 years of age and operates for 50 weeks of the year between the hours of 7am-6pm.Nutritious meals are prepared by the centre chef daily and nappies and hat are provided.Our qualified educators nurture the children’s lear...vacancy care

Lorien Novalis Preschool

Dural - Preschool

29 childcare places per day, enquire here for fees

No providers available


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explore Explore Dural, 2158

There are a total of 11 childcare providers in Dural.

Explore Dural Childcare by map.

explore About this suburb

There is an average of 0.4 days with vacancy at each care provider in Dural across all age groups, compared to this stage last year, when there were 0.3 days vacancy available.

typically have higher availability.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday child care vacancy is lower.

For a child under 1 year old (0-12 months), the childcare availability average is 0.4 days in Dural, which is above below the same as this stage last year which was 0.3 days.

For a child 2 years old (13-24 months), childcare vacancy is 0.4 days, which is above below the same as the 0.3 days recorded last year.

For a child 2-3 years old (25-36 months), childcare vacancy is 0.4 days, which is above below the same as the 0.3 days recorded last year.

For a child 3 years+ to preschool age (36 months+), childcare vacancy is 0.4 days, which is above below the same as the 0.3 days recorded last year.
