Home Western Australia Willetton Willetton Child Care Centre Willetton
Willetton Child Care Centre Willetton
Vacancies at Willetton Child Care Centre Willetton
It doesn't appear that there is any current vacancy at Willetton Child Care Centre this week. If you request the free childcare concierge service they can help find you available care at some great childcare providers close by.
Long Day Care Availability
0 - 12 months
1 year old
(13 - 24 months)
2 year old
(25 - 35 months)
3 year old
(36 months - preschool age)
over 4 years old
(over preschool age)
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About Willetton Child Care Centre Willetton
Welcome to Willetton Child Care Centre, a community based (not for profit) early education and care service.
We were established in 1986 and are a small establishment, with a intimate number of 48 children a day.
We thrive on enjoying the closeness this brings.
As a not for profit, community based centre we have a committee that oversees the running of the centre.
The volunteer committee is made up of family members of current children who attend the centre and interested community members.
This means that the families are given the opportunity to get to know the runnings of the centre and oversee its wellbeing.
Our team has a joint passion for enjoying and learning in nature and we strongly encourage the families who join us to share in this love.
Lot 102 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton, WA, 6155
Operating times
Long Day Care: 7:00am - 6:00pm
Year established
Fees : Willetton Child Care Centre Prices
Long Day Care Fees
The childcare subsidy calculator above also calculates the childcare fees you pay - weekly, quarterly and annually.
When calculating this figure, it considers the childcare rate for all of your children, as well as the average time they spend in childcare.
Be aware that this is an estimation. The actual figure will vary depending on the amount of childcare actually attended by your child.
Reviews - Willetton Child Care Centre
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The service is waived from the requirements of Regulation 132: requirement for early childhood teacher - centre-based services - 25 to 59 children and Element 4.1.1 staff arrangements until 27 March 2015.
Number of approved places - 48
Explore the area
There are 6 long day care providers (with an average of 29.364 places) and 22 total childcare providers in Willetton.
There is an average of 0.3 days with vacancy at each care provider in Willetton across all child age groups, compared to this stage last year, when there were 0.2 days vacancy available.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday child care vacancy is lower.
For a child under 1 year old (0-12 months), the childcare availability average is 0.3 days in Willetton, which is above this stage last year which was 0.2 days.
For a child 2 years old (13-24 months), childcare vacancy is 0.3 days, which is above the 0.2 days recorded last year.
For a child 2-3 years old (25-36 months), childcare vacancy is 0.2 days ,which is above the 0.1 days recorded last year.
For a child 3 years+ to preschool age (36 months+), childcare vacancy is 0.2 days, which is above the 0.1 days recorded last year.