Cherry Tree Kindergarten Sylvania

Sylvania, NSW, 2224

Vacancies at Cherry Tree Kindergarten Sylvania

Sylvania, NSW, 2224

We are not sure if there is any available vacancy at Cherry Tree Kindergarten. If you request the free childcare concierge for Sylvania, they can help with identifying which childcare providers have availability nearby and can match your needs.

Long Day Care Availability

Current Availability - Enquire for Updates

0 - 3 years

M T W Th F

3 - 5 years

M T W Th F

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About Cherry Tree Kindergarten Sylvania

Sylvania, NSW, 2224

Our names are Rebecca and Spiro Marazios and we are the owners and Directors at Cherry Tree Kindergarten. We are a small privately-run, family owned, service that prides itself in having close relationships with the families and children at our service.

We have a highly dedicated team who all have varying qualifications from trainees to university trained. We are proud to say that many have been with us long term, some even 10 and 20 years.

Our Educators are handpicked to ensure they align with the services vision and philosophy. Having professional, dedicated, knowledgeable Educators is a priority to ensure we are delivering the best Educational Program for your children.

An Educational Program is delivered for all ages, as well as a School Readiness Program for children the year before Primary School.

We are looking forward to showing you around and telling you more about our Cherry Tree.



56-60 Princes Highway, Sylvania, NSW, 2224

Operating times

Long Day Care: 7:30 AM - 6:00pm


Year established


Pictures of Cherry Tree Kindergarten

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Fees : Cherry Tree Kindergarten Prices

Sylvania, NSW, 2224

Long Day Care Fees

0 - 3 years
$100.00 per day
We provide breakfast, morning & afternoon tea, late night snack. bed linen & sunscreen. Babies have a communication book shared with parents with daily routines & feedback about the day. Parents receive the daily program via email each day with photos.
3 - 5 years
$90.00 per day
Breakfast, morning/afternoon tea, late night snack. bed linen & sunscreen. Parents receive daily program email daily with photos; Children going to school next year participate in school readiness program and ELLA program: language program run by Gov't.

The childcare subsidy calculator above also calculates the childcare fees you pay - weekly, quarterly and annually.

When calculating this figure, it considers the childcare rate for all of your children, as well as the average time they spend in childcare.

Be aware that this is an estimation. The actual figure will vary depending on the amount of childcare actually attended by your child.

Provider Reviews

"Cherry tree kindergarten Sylvania. What a fabulous daycare centre run by Rebecca and Tania. The ladies here have been nothing but flexible and supportive. Most centres I looked into had excessive fees, stationary fees and huge bonds but with cherry tree they offered the most basic enrolment fees which makes it so much more affordable to single income families. They have supported the slow implementation of my child who does not transition to new things well. Most other centres I looked into in this area really didn't seem to care about my childs needs and insisted I had to do a minimum of 2-3 days. Cherry tree Sylvania were the only ones who were willing to support me and my child in the way we needed. Shows they are more interested in your child's development than their financial gain. They are all so loving to the children in this centre. No child gets ignored left crying in a corner with that 'he'll have to get used to it attitude'. I have complete confidence that my child is cared for and looked after. The morning tea and afternoon tea menu is great healthy variety and has helped my child with his food avoidance issue. Time and time again when I drop my child off or pick him up the centre is very calm, there's no rough play tolerated and children and taught to respect each other and play nicely. They educate the children on so many things like brushing teeth properly and information about different cultures and the olympics! They even give you a daily report on what the kids did that day! Like I said what a fabulous centre to take your child/ren. Compared to most other centres they are a very good price for what you get and the care that you get."

- Nicky


"The best daycare and learning for your child you could ever ask for!! Amazing long term staff who go the extra mile. I drive out of my way to bring my kids to Cherry Tree"

Megan Bryson 


"My daughter has been attending CT for 2 years now and absolutely loves school days! All teachers have an impeccable attention to detail; from creative morning teas to detailed portfolios. I can't imagine sending my beautiful baby to a better school and I can't recommend them with anything less than a five star rating! Thank you so much for all you do Cherry Tree Sylvania "

Meg Rachel


"Love this place. Teachers are smart, friendly, organised. Highly recommend them."

Linh Podetti




Review and compare childcare Cherry Tree Kindergarten Sylvania



Cherry Tree Kindergarten is smaller than average for childcare providers in Sylvania with 39 places versus an average of 43 for this suburb.



Cherry Tree Kindergarten has an average fee of $90 for childcare places across child ages, which is lower than the Sylvania childcare cost average of $107.



There has been a change in vacancy levels in Sylvania, to find out what is available for your child's age and start date, search for childcare availability here.

Reviews - Cherry Tree Kindergarten

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National Quality Standard (NQS) ratings : Cherry Tree Kindergarten Sylvania

Sylvania, NSW, 2224
Overall Rating : Meeting NQS

Ratings are given according to the National Quality Framework (NQF). The NQF is an agreement between all Australian governments to work together to provide better educational and developmental outcomes for children. Care services are reassessed approximately every 2-3 years to ensure their rating is kept Up to date.

Meeting NQS
Provisional Not Yet Assessed
Significant Improvement Required
Working Towards NQS
Meeting NQS
Exceeding NQS

Educational program and practice

Meeting NQS

Children's health and safety

Meeting NQS

Physical environment

Meeting NQS

Leadership and service management

Meeting NQS
Provisional Not Yet Assessed
Significant Improvement Required
Working Towards NQS
Meeting NQS
Exceeding NQS

Staffing arrangements

Meeting NQS

Relationships with children

Meeting NQS

Collaborative partnerships with families and communities


Ratings are given according to the National Quality Framework (NQF). The NQF is an agreement between all Australian governments to work together to provide better educational and developmental outcomes for children. Care services are reassessed approximately every 2-3 years to ensure their rating is kept Up to date.

Conditions of approval

Number of approved places - 39

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There are 11 long day care providers (with an average of 34.85 places) and 20 total childcare providers in Sylvania.


There is an average of 0.3 days with vacancy at each care provider in Sylvania across all child age groups, compared to this stage last year, when there were 0.2 days vacancy available.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday child care vacancy is lower.


For a child under 1 year old (0-12 months), the childcare availability average is 0.3 days in Sylvania, which is above this stage last year which was 0.2 days.

For a child 2 years old (13-24 months), childcare vacancy is 0.3 days, which is above the 0.2 days recorded last year.

For a child 2-3 years old (25-36 months), childcare vacancy is 0.3 days ,which is above the 0.2 days recorded last year.

For a child 3 years+ to preschool age (36 months+), childcare vacancy is 0.3 days, which is above the 0.2 days recorded last year.

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Cherry Tree Kindergarten Sylvania