Home New South Wales Balgowlah Balgowlah Preschool Balgowlah
Balgowlah Preschool Balgowlah
Vacancies at Balgowlah Preschool Balgowlah
We are not sure if there is any available vacancy at Balgowlah Preschool. If you request the free childcare concierge for Balgowlah, they can help with identifying which childcare providers have availability nearby and can match your needs.
Preschool Availability
2 - 3 years
3 - 4 years
4 - 5 years
Search for care to reveal Balgowlah Preschool Balgowlah's Vacancies
About Balgowlah Preschool Balgowlah
At Balgowlah Preschool our philosophy is based on the belief that parents and staff can work together to provide the best foundation for the growth and well being of each child.
With the knowledge that the families we work with come from many cultures and walks of life we provide for the needs of not only the child but also the needs of the family within our child care centre.
Our priority is to compliment the family structure wherever possible. As children come to us with unique patterns of living, learning and loving, we as Early Childhood Educators value and protect these differences while maintaining a co-operative group consciousness and spirit.
We are sensitive to the individual needs, habits, routines and levels of development of each child. These are accommodated for to the best of our ability in a comfortable and non - competitive environment Children are free to express their ideas and thoughts and feel comfortable to ask questions, make decisions, solve problems, talk and show their emotions freely. .We implement inclusive practises in the centre to support the involvement of children with additional needs in the program.
429 Sydney Rd, Balgowlah, NSW, 2093
Operating times
Preschool: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Year established
Fees : Balgowlah Preschool Prices
Preschool Fees
The childcare subsidy calculator above also calculates the childcare fees you pay - weekly, quarterly and annually.
When calculating this figure, it considers the childcare rate for all of your children, as well as the average time they spend in childcare.
Be aware that this is an estimation. The actual figure will vary depending on the amount of childcare actually attended by your child.
Conditions of approval
Number of approved places - 17
Explore the area
There are 5 long day care providers (with an average of 61.111 places) and 9 total childcare providers in Balgowlah.
There is an average of 0.6 days with vacancy at each care provider in Balgowlah across all child age groups, compared to this stage last year, when there were 0.3 days vacancy available.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday child care vacancy is lower.
For a child under 1 year old (0-12 months), the childcare availability average is 0.6 days in Balgowlah, which is above this stage last year which was 0.3 days.
For a child 2 years old (13-24 months), childcare vacancy is 0.2 days, which is above the 0.1 days recorded last year.
For a child 2-3 years old (25-36 months), childcare vacancy is 0.6 days ,which is above the 0.3 days recorded last year.
For a child 3 years+ to preschool age (36 months+), childcare vacancy is 0.6 days, which is above the 0.3 days recorded last year.