Home Queensland Norman Park Avenues Early Learning Centre Norman Park
Avenues Early Learning Centre Norman Park
Vacancies at Avenues Early Learning Centre Norman Park
We are not sure if there is any available vacancy at Avenues Early Learning Centre . If you request the free childcare concierge for Norman Park, they can help with identifying which childcare providers have availability nearby and can match your needs.
Long Day Care Availability
6 weeks - 15 months
15 mths - 3 years
2 - 3 years
30 mths and over
3 years and over
Must be turning 4yrs and over by 30th June
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About Avenues Early Learning Centre Norman Park
The Avenues Group of Centres is family owned and operated.
We have been providing quality care and education since 2003.
Each centre in the group has its own unique character and offers services that reflect the local communities in which they are located.
Our centres are licensed by the State Department of Education, Office for Early Childhood Education and Care and are accredited through an assessment rating system which is governed by the Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority ( ACECQA).
Some of our centres are yet to be rated in the new assessment rating system, however, have all received the highest rating under the previous governing body known as the National Childcare Accreditation Council.We believe it is important to promote trust and partnerships between children, staff and parents.
Program planning is regarded as a shared process and members of each child's family are encouraged to participate in their child's program.
The Avenues Group is committed to providing inclusive environments for children and families.
117 Agnew St, Norman Park, QLD, 4170
Operating times
Long Day Care: 7:00am - 6:00pm
Year established
Fees : Avenues Early Learning Centre Prices
Long Day Care Fees
$135 per day or 5 days comes down to $125
$135.00 per day or 5 days comes down to $125.00
$135.00 per day or 5 days comes down to $125.00
$135.00 per day or 5 days comes down to $125.00
$135.00 per day or 5 days comes down to $125.00
$135.00 per day or 5 days comes down to $125.00
The childcare subsidy calculator above also calculates the childcare fees you pay - weekly, quarterly and annually.
When calculating this figure, it considers the childcare rate for all of your children, as well as the average time they spend in childcare.
Be aware that this is an estimation. The actual figure will vary depending on the amount of childcare actually attended by your child.
Conditions of approval
Number of approved places - 157
Explore the area
There are 2 long day care providers (with an average of 71 places) and 5 total childcare providers in Norman Park.
There is an average of 1 days with vacancy at each care provider in Norman Park across all child age groups, compared to this stage last year, when there were 0.6 days vacancy available.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday child care vacancy is lower.
For a child under 1 year old (0-12 months), the childcare availability average is 1 days in Norman Park, which is above this stage last year which was 0.6 days.
For a child 2 years old (13-24 months), childcare vacancy is 0.2 days, which is above the 0 days recorded last year.
For a child 2-3 years old (25-36 months), childcare vacancy is 0.2 days ,which is below the 1 days recorded last year.
For a child 3 years+ to preschool age (36 months+), childcare vacancy is 1.7 days, which is above the 1 days recorded last year.