Overcoming first day nerves

The first day of care has arrived – here is a list of things to help with their first day nerves (OK then, and yours too!)
Starting early childhood education and care can be an emotional experience for both you and your child. Children can often experience some difficulty settling into a new environment.
Here are some suggestions which may help
- If possible, start with shorter or fewer days then gradually increase their time spent at the service.
- Find a preferred staff member or peer that your child can be left with when you drop them off for the day
- Spend some time settling your child into a favourite activity before you leave.
- Inform the service about what comforts your child. For example, does your child have a toy or blanket that helps them to settle?
- Show your child that you feel secure about leaving them at the service and that you trust the staff.
- Say ‘goodbye’ briefly and quickly and reassure them that you will be back later.
- You should feel that you can contact the service at any time to check how your child is settling. The staff should provide you with sensitive, honest feedback.