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Moderna seem to be catching up to Pfizer with the recent announcement. Moderna has released data on their clinical trials of their COVID-19 vaccines for children 4 years old and younger. Here what you need to know.

Moderna has applied for authorization from the Food and Drug Administration for its vaccine for the youngest segment of the population.

If approved, the COVID-19 vaccine will be available for infants and toddlers from 6 weeks to 6 years. The authorization will allow for the Moderna vaccine to be given on an emergency use basis.

Vaccine for 4 and under may be approved in late June.

According to Politico sources, a COVID vaccine for children 4 and younger may be approved for emergency use as early as June. While it may seem a long wait for anxious parents, here are some safety tips everyone can do to protect the youngest members of the family.

4 Tips to Keep Young Unvaccinated Children Safe

1. Any and everyone within the child’s close circle of family and friends need to be vaccinated.

As the child still cannot be vaccinated, it is important that anyone the child comes into frequent and close contact with is fully vaccinated. This helps lower the risk of infecting a child with the virus.

2. Pregnant moms should get vaccinated.

There is evidence that pregnant moms who got vaccinated were able to transfer immunity and much needed antibodies to their vulnerable babies, making them more protected against the virus.

3. Outdoors are safer than indoors.

When it comes to gatherings, outdoor ones are always safer than indoor ones. With a better airflow and air quality, children can also safely distance themselves away from crowds.

4. Don’t miss other vaccines such as for measles and influenza.

As parents were careful and wary of their children catching the virus the past two years, there has also been a relative decrease in vaccination rates for other diseases such as measles and influenza. While everyone is waiting for the COVID-19 vaccine to be released, it will also benefit children to not miss or just catch up with their vaccinations.

As parents wait on the FDA to approve a COVID-19 vaccine for their young children, it’s a must as FDA carefully pores over the data the vaccine companies have submitted. Safety when it comes to vaccines for children simply cannot be rushed.