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As childcare providers try to maximize the profit while capacity of occupancy is yet to bounce back to pre-pandemic levels, there is a relatively underutilized program which could help them provide in terms of food. The Child and Adult Food Care Program (CACFP) helps reimburse childcare programs for providing healthy and nutritious meals and snacks to children in their care.

As food deserts spread and multiply across the country, childcare programs can be a way to provide underserved and undernourished young children and nutritious meals and snacks that would have been otherwise unavailable.

What is CACFP?

The Child and Adult Food Care Program is a program under the US Department of Agriculture which aims to reduce food insecurity and hunger for eligible children in their care.

Who is eligible for the CACFP?

The program is available to the following childcare program providers:

  • public or private nonprofit child care centers,
  • outside-school-hours care centers,
  • Head Start programs, and
  • other institutions which are licensed or approved to provide day care services

What meals and snacks are available for reimbursement?

Through the CACFP there are multiple food programs childcare providers can avail of such as:

  • National School Lunch Program (and Commodity School Program),
  • School Breakfast Program,
  • Special Milk Program for Children,
  • Child and Adult Care Food Program and
  • Summer Food Service Program

Aside from these programs, the CACFP also offers free water for both adults and children.

There’s also a free meal planning and recipes book you can consult to help you provide the best and most nutritious snacks and meals for children in your care.

Let’s Make a Snack has a variety of healthy and easy-to-prepare meals and snacks recipes available that also draws on various cultures. This inclusive collection of snacks and meals recipe book allows young children to explore different cuisines from around the world and get a nutritious meal and snack at the same time.

As food deserts keep on spreading and affecting the most vulnerable of the population, child care providers and operators can rely on these food programs to keep children healthy and well-fed without adding more to their operational costs. Learn more about how you can provide these nutritious meals and get it reimbursed at the Child and Adult Care Food Program.