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As the colder season comes sweeping in and more erratic weather conditions come our way, there might be times wherein kids will come in not appropriately dressed for the weather. When this happens, childcare providers bear the brunt of ensuring the kids stay warm and well-protected against extreme weather conditions.

If there’s a light snow and there are outdoor activities planned for the kids to enjoy, preventing those inappropriately dressed kids from participating may have them feeling left out and disappointed.

To prevent having sad faces who can only watch from afar as their classmates play in the snow, here are some tips to always make sure your children are going to be well-dressed whatever weather comes their way!


  1. Ask for donations for clothes kids have outgrown

From mittens, gloves, beanies, jackets and hats, parents would be glad to offload it away from their kid’s overflowing dresser to your center closet. Most of the time these are almost in great condition and barely worn that it will certainly last you a few seasons more. This donation drive is also a great way to help the environment and lessen clothing garbage.


  1. A quick trip to the thrift store

Another eco-friendly way to make sure you have spare weather-appropriate clothing is to rummage the nearest thrift store. Thrift stores have a great inventory of kids clothes and you’re sure to find jackets for every age or size. Just make sure to do your shopping against the season, i.e. shopping for winter clothing during summer months and vice versa to get the best deal and options.


  1. Remind parents of the dress policy

Sometimes the weather is just so wishy-washy parents really can’t account for how it changes throughout the day. However, the best precaution is to ask parents to bring clothes for every weather and store it in the kids’ lockers. This way, the children will always be dressed appropriately for any outdoor activity whatever the weather.

That said, if a kid’s parent still somehow forgets, better to always find a coat or jacket in your center closet so the child won’t miss out on any outdoor activity. You can also take a picture of him/her to notify the parent you’ve borrowed some clothes from the center’s closet and remind them to drop off the kid’s own set of clothes next time.

As climate change continues to bring seasonal changes and extreme weather, it has become mandatory nowadays to always be ready for whatever the weather throws at you and children in your care.