by Catherine Suelo | Oct 2, 2023 | Child Development, Craft & Fun, Parents
Naomi Zouwer, University of Canberra As a visual artist and educator, I know how important it is to encourage your child to think and behave like an artist. But this is not necessarily about drawing or painting in a particular way. The habits of an artist include the...
by Catherine Suelo | Sep 3, 2023 | Child Development, Craft & Fun, Parents
Shutterstock Shane Rogers, Edith Cowan University and Marc Hye-Knudsen, Aarhus University This Father’s Day you may be rolling out your best “dad jokes” and watching your children laugh (or groan). Maybe you’ll hear your own father, partner or friend crack a dad joke...
by Catherine Suelo | Apr 1, 2023 | Craft & Fun, Helpful Information
Pxfuel John Dumay, Macquarie University; Cristiana Bernardi, The Open University; Samuel Mawutor, Oregon State University, and Stephanie Perkiss, University of Wollongong What distinguishes a company that makes “good” chocolate (chocolate untainted by child labour,...
by Catherine Suelo | Dec 15, 2022 | Craft & Fun, Helpful Information
How can it be December already.Luis Molinero/Shutterstock Written by Ruth Ogden, Liverpool John Moores University Think back to your childhood. December was the longest of months. It might have been filled with rehearsing school nativity performances, writing up your...
by codemin | Jan 14, 2017 | Craft & Fun – Craft & Fun – Fun craft ideas for children of all ages Entertaining craft and fun activities to do with your children and childcare services Kids just love to have their faces painted. It always seems like something which...
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