Books on raising toddlers

Books on raising toddlers

Being a parent to a toddler is an emotional roller coaster. One moment, they are loving, cuddly and happy to play. The next, they are crying over the wrong coloured juice cup or because they can’t get their own way. Despite their age, toddlers are complex little...
Hand washing facts

Hand washing facts

Even the cleanest looking hands can harbour nasty bacteria and germs. They are not always indicative of good hygiene. A whopping 80% of infectious diseases are transferred by touch. Harmful germs such as bacteria and viruses that cause illness and infection are...
Cyber Bullying Awareness

Cyber Bullying Awareness

The internet has transformed modern life in so many positive ways. With the good, however, comes a dark side that is impacting young lives like never before. The rise of the internet has brought the emergence of cyberbullying. This form of bullying occurs not face to...